
June 11, 2020

Summer So Far

This has been a strange time for everyone.  Who would have thought we would live through a worldwide pandemic and be quarantined in our homes.  There were many times over the last several months when I had such gratitude that we have so much space to run around in our backyard and room to stay out of each others hair inside.  With that being said, we still went a bit stir crazy.  School was a challenge for the children and me both, we can't wait for a normal school year!  We did have a fun time playing in the hot tub and running in the sprinklers.  It was a time of intense bonding and was good for our family.  Since the stay at home order has been lifted we have been venturing out a little bit, with social distancing of course.  Josh and I had our first sushi date in months.  We went out to stimulate the economy (shopping) and picked out some books to read for fun over the summer.  We also finally ventured back into the gym.  It's been a nice albeit anti-climactic start to summer.

The garden is still going pretty strong.  We finally had an artichoke bloom that was as magnificent as they say.  We even had a huge bumble bee visit it.  We also had a Siamese twin squash and made some garden salsa.  I planted some field peas that are in such a perfect row it makes me believe I have finally broken the dogs from digging in the beds.  My okra is an abysmal display of gardening, I have no idea why it is doing so poorly.  Luckily everything else seems to be growing as can be expected.  I am pretty excited to try a few different things this year.  I have planted Armenian cucumbers and asparagus beans which are supposed to do really well in the extreme heat that we get.  I can hardly wait to see how they do.  Until next time, stay healthy!  XOXO, Amber