
August 24, 2010

Catching up!

Just a few highlights of what we've been up to. It's been a bit crazy around here as Frank is hitting his terrific two's a little early. He can open the back door now, and the fridge and freezer. He can climb up on the counter. He's learned how to throw a tantrum. He's everywhere! It's a lot of fun and a lot of work and I'm sorry to say that the blog has fallen by the wayside as I chase this little beast around trying to protect him from himself.
This summer we went to Pinetop for my family reunion which was a lot of fun and I intend to write in more detail about the tour that my dad gave us which was my favorite part of the whole trip. This is where he grew up! Beautiful!!
We also ate here
We wore our fascinators to a fun tea party
We spent time with family
Frank worked on his magic skills
We tried new foods
and had crazy hair days
We FINALLY had a real monsoon season
which made for some wicked looking skies
We had a thriving garden
which produced some tasty veggies : )
This was one of my favorite summers ever! I loved spending soo much time with the girls and now that they're back in school it is really quiet around here. I miss them but it is also good for them to have a little bit of order back in their lives. Now me and the boy are going to have to get into a new routine. Hope all is well! XOXO -Amber

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