
April 10, 2010

Baby Radishes and some other stuff too

We harvested our first crop of radishes and boy were they tiny, but also delicious! They weren't pithy at all and they had a nice subtle zip to them. I've already re-planted our radish square and I planted less seeds with the thought that maybe there were too many plants this last time for them to get very big. I'm also planning on watering them twice a day instead of just once because it is getting hotter out and I think that might also help them to get bigger.
We've also got the beginnings of a bean crop
a TON of mint and catnip
a few yellow bell pepper buds
our thyme is blooming (as are our snapdragons)
and our most successful crop thus far is still strawberries

1 comment:

LS said...

you have a nice blog! BTW, i love that cheerful background.

best of luck!

Luciana, from Argentina